This medium- to fast-growing, deciduous tree has a multiple trunk and an open, growth habit, reaching thirty feet tall and ten to twelve feet wide. It has a smooth, grayish brown trunk and an umbrella-shaped canopy producing filtered shade. Its dark green, long, lacy foliage gives it a feathery effect. In spring, this tree has an amazing show of distinctive, tiny pink clusters that resemble a powder puff. The flowers are highly fragrant and attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. After blooming, it produces a large, green, flat seedpod that hangs dramatically from the tree. The mimosa grows best in full sun but tolerates partial shade and can be planted in a wide range of soils as long as they are well draining. This plant is very hardy to twenty degrees Fahrenheit. It is drought resistant, but prefers additional irrigation during the hot summer months.
Its open growth habit makes it prone to high wind damage since it has brittle wood. At certain times of the year, it creates litter and requires maintenance. For best results, fertilize with ammonium phosphate in the spring. Use this sculptural tree for oriental and tropical effects around a pond or other water feature, up near a house, or in patios and courtyards. It is native to Asia, Australia, and Africa and has been cultivated as an ornamental plant throughout the United States and parts of Europe.