Jerusalem Sage, Phlomis fruticosa (Medium-sized, perennial shrub)

Jerusalem Sage, Phlomis fruticosa (Medium-sized, perennial shrub)

Jerusalem sage is a fast-growing, warm-sea- son plant that reaches three to four feet tall with an equal spread. The semi-woody evergreen plant has fuzzy, grayish green, textured leaves and bright yellow, wooly blossoms in late spring through early summer. The blooms form a cluster of rings around the stems on a vertical stalk arranged with one flower on top of another, producing an interesting effect. Its flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. This plant likes full sun to light shade and becomes leggy if planted in deep shade. It prefers adequate irrigation and well-draining soil. Jerusalem sage is also drought tolerant and can be planted in hot, exposed areas of the landscape.




This attractive plant is hardy to about twenty-three degrees Fahrenheit. It should be heavily pruned in late winter and given applications of ammonium phosphate fertilizer in spring. Use it in an herb garden as an accent, in raised planters or containers or in vegetable gardens. The flower heads and seeds can be dried and used in flower arrangements. Jerusalem sage looks nice when combined with Salvia greggi, Salvia leucantha, and Salvia clevelandii. It is native to the Mediterranean regions of Turkey and Syria but has been naturalized in the United States.






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