The regal ornamental grass grows four feet tall and wide with glossy green foliage and upright flower spikes from late September into November. In cooler climates, the blooms appear earlier. Its flower spikes form a dense, purplish red, upright plume. This attractive perennial grass is easy to grow and needs very little care. It tolerates a wide variety of soils and habitats. While drought resistant, it benefits from supplemental irrigation during the hot weather into the fall. Gulf muhlygrass can also take plenty of water and periodic flooding. If plants start to look stressed or turn brown, they most likely need more water.
This plant is hardy to about ten degrees Fahrenheit. The fast-growing accent takes full sun to partial shade. It needs a light pruning in the winter to remove old, spent blooms. Heavy pruning can be done in early spring to rejuvenate the plant, if needed. Protect it from rabbits with chicken wire when young. It is great as an accent or in groupings and masses for its whimsical effects. Use this plant in street medians, roadways, and golf courses, or around water features and pools. It is native from Kansas to Massachusetts and south into Florida. Gulf muhlygrass also grows widely in Texas and Mexico.